What’s in your modern marketing mix?
I wanted to put this topic on the table due to conversations I’ve had with many women in small in enterprise over time. Anecdotally, it seems that many business people (women in particular) are still to do the ‘mind shift’ from using ineffective traditional marketing to a more modern approach which utilises online marketing, as ...
Ignite 2012!
The Ignite 2012! event was about the goals, outcomes and intentions we have for this year. Many people set ‘new years’ resolutions without firstly establishing what it is they want to achieve. To realise a resolution you need to set and achieve a goal. Once a goal is achieved it becomes a resolution (something that ...
Pure Productivity II
If productivity is about ‘yielding positive results’ than this think tank was highly productive! It was a fabulous morning of topical discussion, sharing resources, reacquainting, meeting new people and quality networking. It was interesting to discover ways other business owners are ‘active’ rather than ‘busy’ by selecting appropriate productivity tools to assist them in their ...
Ignorance is No Defence
On Monday night a group of us gathered in Avalon to listen to a presentation prepared and delivered by Joanna Oakey from Aspect Legal. Joanna developed this presentation into an interactive and informative evening of discussion on content relating to the rights and responsibilities around intellectual property (IP), in general, but in particular for SME’s. ...
What motivates us to act?
Today was our final ‘think tank’ for 2010! What a wonderful group of women who gathered to share in the experience. The question posed for this event was ‘what motivates us to act’? (self, prospects, clients, colleagues & those around us). As always women were asked to bring something to the WiSE table to share. ...
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